• Lifting up Small Businesses in Edison NJ Grant Program

    You must be a business located in Edison to be considered for a grant. If you are not, your application will not be considered. This form must be submitted before December 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
    Format: MM/dd/yyyy
    Applicant Name
    Business Address
    Your address must be in Edison to be considered for a grant.
    Are you an LLC, S Corp, C Corp, 501c3, etc?
    Please list the names of all the owners of the business, and their percentages of ownership.
    Please describe your business and the products or services it offers.
    Please specify how your business will utilize the grant money.
    Please provide your business bio.
    Please provide your business logo.
    Please provide a headshot of the business owner(s).
    Please provide a photo of the exterior of your business.